Our Mission
To provide a hall fit for the community of Leatherhead.
Goal One
To promote the trust purposes.
Goal Two
To protect the trust assets.
Goal Three
To plan ahead to ensure the trust continues to be a positive influence in the community.
Leatherhead Parish Hall and car park was built by the people of Leatherhead on land donated by former Leatherhead resident, Herbert Kempson Reeves and is owned by the Reeves Trust leased to Leatherhead Parish Church.
The Reeves Trust is a private charitable trust set up by Herbert Reeves to own the freehold of the land and buildings.
The purpose of the trust is to provide a venue with parking for the whole community of Leatherhead to use.
This Leatherhead charity has been working in Leatherhead for Leatherhead since 1945 and is developing its vision for how the Parish Hall can best be used to benefit the people of Leatherhead now and in the future.